There's a story behind the BabyGiggleJiggle....

When my husband, Tim, and I were in the hospital the day after our son, Oliver was born, the "BabyGiggleJiggle" came to be.
I had our little man all wrapped up in a blanket and was holding him up for Tim to videotape. I'm sure all you Moms out there can agree with me that after you give birth your emotions are all over the place... well, I was feeling silly and giddy at that moment, and the littlest things that Tim would say would send me into fits of laughter! All the while I'm holding Oliver, who had a very serious and reproachful look on his face.... as I laughed his chubby little head shook and jiggled as I held him close, making me laugh even more!
Hence, the baby giggle jiggle was born :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How Much You've Grown!

~So Small~

I see your face
Smiling at me
You are as happy
As happy can be
I am here
Warm and bright
Safe and sound
Hold me tight
For now I’m small
Cute and round
Smiles and giggles
Laughs abound
Soon I’ll grow
Big and strong
You’ll be proud
It won’t be long
So hold me tight
Don’t let go
For I’m so small
Head to toe